Friday, March 11, 2011

Worst Blogger Ever...

The worst blogger in the history of all Bloggers is probably me considering I only blog every few months.  I suppose I blog only when I'm upset with the exception of this post.  Maybe this is the start of a new blogging era for me? Hhhm possibly. Due to my recent grounding it most likely is the start of a new blogging era for me. I miss the old days wehen we didn't have Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter, when everyone kept up with each other through their blogs. I'm currently researching local volunteer opportunities while jamming to "'The Acadamy Is' Radio Station" on  Aside from Hipster Hitler I think Pandora is my favorite website.  Music is just fantastic, is it not?


keith said...

KATY!!!!!!!!!!! i miss u how is ur life i havent seen u in for evs!!! sar sar i forgot how to get to ur blog!!! miss ya tons

keith said...

i hope u remember me form nylf