Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Great Man With the Wrong Reputation.

Lately I've been in Rhode Island visiting my long lost aunts.  In 2007 my grandfather had bone cancer and knew he was going to die. His dying wish was to see his two daughters he left when they were about 5 and 3.  My grandpa had been divorced before with my dad's mom.  He left her  too and their daughter, but decided to keep my dad.  He wasn't capable of raising girls.  My grandpa was a great man despite his ex-wives opinions.   He raised my father by himself and my father is my hero today.  Anyways,  my dad searched for them and they flew out together with their aunt and Uncle (who are their legal guardians) to see him.  It turned out that their mom had died of breast cancer a little after my grandpa left them.    They were raised by their aunt and uncle.  Its very difficult to hear  these people talk about my grandfather.  Whenever we speak of him  I can hear the anger and disrespect in their voice.  These girls never seemed to know the amazing side of my grandfather.  Their aunt is a very nice woman but whenever my grandfather comes up in a conversation she always has little comments of hatred.  So far I've heard some things that they think they know and I have checked all his paperwork and found its not true.  Its just very hard to speak out and tell them the truth about their dad.  I am heading to Austin Texas soon where all his paperwork is and I plan on going through everything because I feel I should tell them all I can.  I see their father in the girls so much and they have no idea.   I want so badly to scream he was an amazing and wonderful person to them.  This man raised me alongside my father.  He bought me al the toys i ever wanted even though he was very poor.  He showed me more love than anyone in the world.  Anyone and everyone knew my father and I were his whole life.  He would do anything for us.  After he left my aunts' mother he never dated another woman.  He spent the rest of his life  and money  giving my father a good life.  He did an incredible job.  My father went to Mississippi School of Mathematics & Science,  got a scholarship to go to Mississippi State,  then got a scholarship to Vanderbilt University at which he got a P.H.D in physics.  If thats not success then I have no clue what is.    I hope to keep writing in his blog to tell more about what happens.  My grandfather was a mystery and this is just something I have to solve.

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