Sunday, March 13, 2011

Idiocracy That is You

It's really sad to see just how ignorant and stubborn people can be.  People can be so eager to start drama and rain on your parade.  Today I have created a new goal to help teens stop acting like a bunch of fake bitches.  No one has any business telling people not to be friends with someone because their jealous of that person's happiness without them.  So if you are a fake bitch that enjoys attempting to ruin happy peoples lives, I would just like you to know that you are not welcome to my world and have fun when everyone realizes you're ignorant and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Tonights events:

Classic is probably the best word to describe my day today...Woke up around 10:30, watched tv until 11:30, then had lunch outside which began a beautiful day.  I spent about an hour studying and burning in the sunlight while my munchkin sister played with the dogs.  Then decided to play soccer for bit which led to the desire to go for a walk so i leashed up the dogs and the child and grabbed the mini bike.  It was quite a sight for passers by, watching a a teenage girl  push a 4 year on her bike down the street while untangling 2 rather large boxers from around my legs.  Once I got home I called my friend Miss Malena, whom I so happen to be with at this very moment, to establish a time to meet up. I swear its impossible to get anything done between us... Between 4 and 8:40 we were failing consistently.  Finally we were able to meet up and watched the movie Due Date? Rather interesting movie if you like being psychologically stressed because you feel sorry for the character in the movie.  After have a 3 hour long Skype chat with our friend Ryne I believe we are ready to retire our consciences temporarily for the night.  So without another word, Goodnight. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011


Tomorrow should be interesting, I'll be going over to a fellow amiga's casa who is quite awesome.  She might just be about as crazy as me? My blog will probably be updated quite a bit with videos and photos tomorrow. Just a warning, be prepared to be relatively entertained.

Worst Blogger Ever...

The worst blogger in the history of all Bloggers is probably me considering I only blog every few months.  I suppose I blog only when I'm upset with the exception of this post.  Maybe this is the start of a new blogging era for me? Hhhm possibly. Due to my recent grounding it most likely is the start of a new blogging era for me. I miss the old days wehen we didn't have Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter, when everyone kept up with each other through their blogs. I'm currently researching local volunteer opportunities while jamming to "'The Acadamy Is' Radio Station" on  Aside from Hipster Hitler I think Pandora is my favorite website.  Music is just fantastic, is it not?